Air Purifiers – Do you really need one? Here’s why you Do! Many people don’t ever think of air purifiers as something they need. but, when it comes to your health… air purifiers can be a life changer! I hope this article will help to convince you that purchasing an air purifier is a great investment! So… the answer to the question “Do you really need one?” is… Yes, we strongly believe you do! Here’s why…
Table of Contents
Why air purifiers are healthy

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) States “In the last several years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities.” Up to 5x more!
Yes! Indoor air is more contaminated the outdoor air. (Unless you are close to a burning forest fire or live in a large city with smog!). I myself used to wake up with puffy watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing every morning. I purchased a new air purifier with a HEPA filter, and it has cut my allergy symptoms way down!
Here is a list of people exposed to indoor air pollutants that are most susceptible to further illnesses.
- The young.
the elderly.
- People that are chronically ill.
- People with respiratory problems.
- those with cardiovascular disease.
This group of people spends more time in the house than they do outdoors. They want to go outside but they have limitations. So why not make their home life a little better!
Air purifiers remove air pollutants by the use of filters. HEPA filter can remove up to %97.7 of contaminants. Here is a list of indoor contaminants that can be removed…
- Dust and dust mites
- Mold and dampness
- Pet Dander
Bacteria and viruses
- Pollen
- Fungal Spores
- Secondhand smoke
- Cleaning supplies and household chemicals
- Carpets
- Cockroaches
During these days of COVID-19, PLEASE help each other by isolating and wear a mask! Even though Air Purifiers won’t cure the virus they work as a mask around your whole house!
Air purifiers come with tons of technical jargon about how they work. I am just skimming the surface with important information that you need to know.

Air purifier CADR Rating (Clean air delivery rate)
In the early 1980s, AHAM developed a method for measuring the clean air delivery rate for portable household electric room air cleaners. The resulting standard became an American National Standard in 1988 and was last revised in 2006. Known as ANSI/AHAM AC-1, it measures the air cleaner’s ability to reduce tobacco smoke, dust and pollen particles in a room. It also includes a method for calculating the suggested room size. Courtesy Wikipedia.

this is an example of AHAM’s Certificate. You will find it on the side of the box of any certified air cleaner. —>
the higher the numbers, the better it removes that pollutant. So, in your comparison shopping try to look for the higher numbers for better efficiency!
Air Purifier ACH Rates (Air changes per hour)
ACH = how often the unit will cycle through all the air in the room in an hour. You need to find a purifier with an ACH rate of at least 4. These numbers are tested to the specified Square footage you need and are calculated with the fan speed on high. So, if you set your air purifier on low these numbers will drop a bit. Don’t worry… you air will still be cleaned just fine at the lower fan speed
Ok.. just a couple more bits of information for you to digest before I show you some Air purifier recommendations!
How loud are air Purifiers?

Most air purifiers on the market use HEPA filters, and these air purifiers have a sound range from about 35dB at the lowest fan speed to over 70dB at their most efficient fan speed. Running your purifier at top speed is for when you are not at home or when you need more air movement, like on a hot dusty day. The fan running at higher speeds will clean the air faster but will make more noise but 60-70db’s is around the sound that human speech is rated!
Always be sure to purchase a purifier with a HEPA filter. These filters remove the most particulates out of the air. Continue reading the filter section……
Filter types for air purifiers
- Pre-filter. This filter catches the larger particulate that passes through your purifier like Pet hair, dust, etc. This filter will help the other filters last longer
HEPA. The High-efficiency particulate arrestance filters remove at least 99.97% of 0.3-micrometer particles and are usually more effective at removing larger particles. Do you suffer from allergies?
- Active Carbon. To filter Odors and gases, choose a portable air cleaner with an activated carbon filter. these are the best air purifier for Smoke. A portable air cleaner with a high CADR and an activated carbon filter can filter both particles and gases. so, if you are a smoker then this is the Best air purifiers for smoke.
- UV Filtration. this Is not a filter but is a way to remove bacteria from the air using Ultra-violet light. Most high-end Air purifiers come with a UV stage of filtration. these are the best air purifier for bacteria and viruses.
- ION or Ozone It’s usually best to stay away from filters that omit OZONE. but with today’s technology, most purifiers are tested and approved to emit little or no ozone. Make sure you check the model you are interested in to see if it has an ozone filter and that it is certified ok! Read the warning below…
Note: Avoid portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters that intentionally produce ozone. Ozone is a lung
irritant. Note that in some cases, air cleaners that contain electrostatic precipitators, ionizers, UV lights without
adequate lamp coatings, and plasma air cleaners may have the potential to emit ozone.
Both the California Air Resources Board and the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers maintain lists of air cleaners that have been tested and shown to emit little or no ozone. courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency
I am going to start out by showing you my recommendation for Large room/Open concept living area.
Alen BreatheSmart Classic Large Room Air Purifier
This air purifier comes with a HEPA filter. The best filter for Pollen and allergies. It covers 1100 square feet and will recycle the air every 30 minutes! that’s awesome for a room the size! 33’x33′, which is great for your open concept home. This super quiet purified only weighs 21lbs! No matter what color your room is, this air purifier comes in 14 different color front panels to match any decor. the dimensions are: 10 x 17.8 x 26.8 inches. I highly recommend the Alen Breathsmart Classic!
I have a smile on my face now that I am almost finished writing this post! We do hope that you will be smiling too when you see how better you feel when you get that perfect air purifier for your home. I know you won’t regret your purchase.
If you have a large room or open concept style home, You should read the next post… Best large room Air Purifiers – who doesn’t like open concept floor plans?
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Do air purifiers work? YES, THEY DO! thank you for reading this article to the end. I hope you now understand a bit more about what air purifiers do and how they can help you. Above all, Our mission is to pass our knowledge on to you so you can have a better life. Air purifiers do work! They clean the air in your home of pollen, mold spores, dust, bacteria smoke, and odors. etc…. don’t forget that inside your home, the air can be up to 5 times more contaminated than outdoors (depending on where you live)!
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